Tuesday, May 4, 2010

*~ Timing ~*

where be time
and where be the markings
of each timeless passing
of times many workings
time is something noticed
but only its effects
time can not be grasped or held
nor kept within ones pocket

What is time
what does it say
times whispered voices say
that time is time alone
time will heal
time will bring
and time will surely take away

Time has a past
and time has a future
but no one can tell what will come
time helps forget its far and close past
but it also brings the past much closer
Time brings closure
and joy
it brings endings
and pain

Time is the reason that all things must end
and new things have a chance to begin
time is a reason we have yet to hope
that more is to come for us soon
that this is not all for nothing
and that there is a reasoning for everything.

time is good
time can feel bad
and time is not always a friend
I miss what time takes
and I am thankful for what it brings
but I am hoping for the healing of time.

Alyssa Willberg

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