Friday, March 26, 2010


I no longer use my gmail account, and I have forgotten the password, and the password question for my account. This email was used for my blog, and I am now no longer able to access my old blog, so here I am starting again. Firstly, let me just say that I am not the most patterned person, and when I say this, I mean I am not someone who has a routine, a very strict routine, and my mood fluctuates, and what I feel like doing, and am in the mood for, along with it. So don't expect me to blog every single day. 

I do consider myself a photographer, however I a going through I slightly frustrating creativity block, and well, its very frustrating. I have been going out and taking shots, but I just have not been getting products that I m happy with, and I am also starting to get very frustrated with my camera. 

I am, and I say this with all possible excitement without blowing my head off, leaving for Mexico Hermosilio in 4 days, yes 4 days exactly. I will be gone for 2 weeks, yes 2 weeks, and I am going with 12 other people, all of whom I consider my friends. Twelve people from my youth group are going to Mexico,  including me, both of our leaders are coming as well. We will be staying with a missionary couple from our church, and will be staying at the church they run in Hermosilio. For the first week we will be spending time with the youth group there and get to know them, and I have been told that we will be kept busy. The second week both youth groups will be working together at a orphanage. We will be hanging out with the children there. I am so excited, this weekend however, I have to finish a French Proj, buy simple, modest clothes for Mexico, and then I have to go to our last fundraiser for the trip. Oy! But all is good.

I leave on the 30th, around noon, I also have to go to school for only the first period to present a project that my friend has kindly taken over for me, and then its back home, and then off to the church where all of us meet up and head for the airport.

Life is good. Life is crazy. Life is Life

Talk to yah~